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pop up tents »

What is pop up tent camping? Well as the name suggests it is a tent which pops up the minute you open it up.  This means that there is no fussing about with tent poles.  With pop up tent camping you turn up at the campsite, take out your pop up tent and hey presto a tent!
Pop up tent camping doesn’t mean you have  to make compromises on its strength, waterproofness or durability.  Outwell’s Jersey Pop up Tent stands out as one of the top buys in pop up tent …

camping »

I know this is jumping on the bandwagon a bit, but for many of us this summer Swine Flu is a real concern. If Swine Flu does kick off this summer I think the last place I would want to be is sitting cooped up in a plane breathing everyone else’s germs! So should we all forgo our summer holidays?
The obvious answer to this question is yes, but I say yes in that I’ll not be making plans for flying this year. Avoiding flying is my uneducated way of cutting …

camping »

In the past, at this time of the year, many of us would be looking forward to our expensive overseas holiday.  But with the credit crunch biting more and more into our disposable income many of us are searching for cheaper alternatives ways to get our R&R.   This is why camping has become so popular this year and I am willing to bet for the next few years at least.
Camping used to have a poor image, soggy socks;  rain dripping into your tent; dull campsites and that horrible smell you …